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The main cause of female hair loss

04 Feb 2009, by Admin in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

The external factors that may cause hair loss are an illness, medications, childbirth, trauma surgery and some other diseases. Exposure to chemicals and some elements may also be a cause, but such cases are rare and can almost always be diagnosed immediately.

Natural causes of female hair loss
People naturally shed hair every day of our lives. Our hair has a growth cycle of approximately two to six years, with one strand may grow continuously and are finally at the end of the cycle after a short rest. The natural cause of female hair loss is the end of the cycle in which the strands fall out. The follicles will grow another strand of hair and the cycle continues. The growth cycle for each strand is different, which is why we always have their hair every day of our lives.

Another cause of female hair loss may be the way women use their and dress it every day. They tie their hair in tight pony tails, hair can aggravate with the constant pressure of pulling the hair and cause these hairs to start dying out. This source can be easily remedied by giving your hair a break and just wearing it loose.

Another cause is a natural birth. In many cases, the pregnant releases hormones, the strengthening of women’s skin and hair. After birth, the loss of these hormones is the cause of female hair loss. Some women experience  a huge amout of hair loss and may lose several strands of hair at a time, while for others, it is minimal, and they will not even notice.

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