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Gene Test For Hair Loss

17.09.2009 in HAIR LOSS SCIENCE

HAIR LOSS FACTS: For many people, hair loss is simply an inevitable part of life. Alan Bauman, M.D., a board-certified hair restoration specialist in Boca Raton, Fla., says about 100 million people in the United States have hair loss 60 million men and 40 million women.

By age 35, 40 percent of men have noticeable hair loss and 65 percent have noticeable hair loss by age 60. Dr. Bauman says for both men and women, hair thinning is not usually noticed until 50 percent of a person’s hair has already fallen out.

Americans spend more than $1 billion a year on treatments for hair loss.

IS “BALD” IN YOUR FUTURE? HairDX, a biotech company, has launched the first genetic hair loss test for men and women to let them know if they are at high risk for future hair loss.

“This is exciting because it’s the first lab test for hair loss,”said Dr. Bauman. “You can take the test in your teenage years and find out what your percentage of going bald will be by the time you are 40.”

The test determines your fate by measuring DNA obtained from a cheek swab. The swab is mailed off to the company to be analyzed. A high risk result means the person has a 60 percent chance severe baldness by age 40. A low risk result means a person has an 80 percent chance of having a healthy head of hair by age 60.

The test measures DNA on the X chromosome, which is inherited by the mother. One of the genes that researchers know is linked to hair loss is the androgen receptor, which is found on the X chromosome. Dr. Bauman says there are probably many factors and genes from both sides of the family that are involved with hair loss, but the androgen receptor gene is a great place to start.

THE BENEFIT OF KNOWING: Dr. Bauman said, “Hair loss is certainly today, optional … meaning that you can choose not to have hair loss if you undergo therapy and treatment. Many people in the general public don’t really know that treatments exist — effective treatments.”

Hair loss treatments that experts say work: 1) Finasteride (also known as Propecia) — a daily medication that works in nine out of 10 men. Five out of six men will keep the hair they have when started on the medication and two out of three will re-grow some hair they have lost. Dr. Bauman says, “If you are a man and you have risk of hair loss and you go on Propecia today, you have a 90 percent chance in five years to look the same or better than you do right now.”

2) Minoxidil (also known as Rogaine) — a topical liquid for the scalp that stimulates hair follicles to grow thicker and stronger. Dr. Bauman says about 60 to 70 percent of people get a response from Minoxidil.

3) Low level laser therapy — creates a photochemical condition in the scalp to create more energy for the follicles to grow a better quality hair. It’s been shown to improve hair quality, thickness and density.

4) Hair restoration surgery — this can work, but be sure you’re getting it from a board-certified hair restoration specialist.

5) Nutritional modification — protein is a building block for hair, so a diet deficient in protein can cause hair loss. Eating enough could slow it down.

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Gene test for hair loss.

11.09.2009 in HAIR LOSS SCIENCE

NEW YORK (WABC) It’s typical for the average person to lose about 100 hairs from their head every day. What if you could find out if you were going to go bald before visible hair loss started? A new DNA test is giving those who want it, the power to see what their future holds.

Some consider it part of their style. Others do everything they can to prevent it. Would you want to find out if baldness was in your crystal ball?

“This is exciting because it’s the first lab test for hair loss,” said Dr. Alan Bauman, a board-certified hair restoration physician at Bauman Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida

People hand over a saliva swab. It’s taken back to the lab where the DNA is analyzed. Researchers look for a genetic variation on the X chromosome that’s linked to hair loss.

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Diabetes and Hair Loss.



If you have diabetes and you start losing your hair, you may be experiencing diabetes related hair loss. Although the connection was long thought to have already been established, the link between diabetes and hair loss needs to be further studied. Looking however at the basic facts about diabetes and hair loss may help you understand why there might be a real connection.

Hair Basics

Before looking into the possible links between hair loss and diabetes, let us first examine and understand both their basics. Human head hair may seem to have no function other than for appearance. Still, the human hair is still a part of the human body, and thus, still stand to benefit or suffer from anything that is going on in the other parts of your body.

Hair grows from a root and follicle located underneath the human scalp. The hair grows and is nourished by through the bloodstream which transports nutrients from the body to the hair roots and follicles. If there your body does not have sufficient nutrients or does not have proper blood circulation, hair growth and health is also affected.

Hair Loss Basics

There may be no immediate link between diabetes and hair loss in your specific case. There are many reasons why people lose their hair and it is important to first rule out other reasons for hair loss before concluding your diabetes and hair loss conditions.

Just like diabetes, hair loss is also affected by genetic factors. It is estimated that 95% of people who suffer from hair loss have androgenetic alopecia which is a hair loss condition that is brought about by genes and hormonal activity. Check first if you have this before thinking of the possibility of diabetes. However, since both conditions have genetic components, you may want to take a look at the rest of your family members and relatives. Balding relatives who are also diabetic may indicate that you may share a similar future.

Diabetes and Hair Loss

The link between hair loss and diabetes may be best identified by examining the nature of diabetes and what it does to the body. Diabetes is the body’s condition in which people either cannot produce the insulin that our body needs or cannot respond properly to it. When a person has a diabetes condition, glucose cannot always enter the body cells to provide it with the energy it need. Since there is an excess of unused glucose, it will start accumulating in the bloodstream. Along with high blood sugar levels, fat deposits may now also begin to attach on blood vessel walls, ultimately clogging blood passageways. When blood passageways are clogged, improper blood flow and poor circulation circulation ensue.

As previously explained, the hair’s source of primary nutrition is the blood. Poor circulation may mean poor hair health. Poor blood flow can also result in infections and skin irritations among diabetics. The scalp is of course still a part of the skin which may be infected too and result in hair loss.

The Diet

If your hair loss is caused by diabetes, you may have harder time dealing with it than an ordinary hair loss condition. This is because in an ordinary hair loss, the condition may be treated with nutritional supplements and proper diet. However, if your hair loss is caused by diabetes, you will have to consider following a diet that is more proper as a diabetic rather than a person suffering from a hair loss. In such case, you will have to consult your doctor for a proper dietary plan before tackling your hair loss condition.

Vitastim and Biostim used together are proven treatments for female-pattern baldness. Most users see improvements, including a halt to the balding or slowing down of it, as well as thicker hair.

In order to treat hair loss effectively we would recommend that you have a diagnosis made as soon as possible by one of our experienced Westminster Trichologists. Stress can be an aggravator in almost all cases of hair loss and an accurate diagnosis will always, at the very least, take some of the stress away from you.

Gary Heron says: “You’ll have access to the most effective treatments available through The Hair Centre and at a fraction of the cost of going to other Private Commercial Clinics and Centres.”

When it’s time to see the Trichologist: If you begin losing hair rapidly, and or are cosmetically concerned about baldness, consult your Trichologist about treatment options. You can receive a free hair loss consultation with a Westminster Trichologist at our Hair Centre.

The point is that you are not getting to the real problem and you should seek specific professional advice from a Westminster Trichologist.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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Why Does Hair Turn Gray?

21.08.2009 in HAIR LOSS SCIENCE

Gray hair is a topic which attracts a lot of questions, especially from children. If you too are curious to know why does hair turn gray, read on to find out the answer. Although graying of hair is extremely common in middle-aged and elder people, some teenagers and youngsters also experience premature graying of hair. This often makes people wonder, “why does hair turn gray”? Well, let us look at certain hair color related basics before we move on to the answer to this question.

How Does Hair Get Its Color
Each strand of hair basically consists of two parts:
    * hair shaft
    * hair root.


The hair shaft is that part of the hair which is outside the scalp i.e., it is the part of the hair that we can see. The hair root on the other hand, is responsible for holding the hair shaft in place and is located below the surface of the scalp. If you pull out a hair from your scalp, you will see a small, almost negligible layer of white tissue at its base. That is known as the hair follicle. It contains a number of pigment cells known as melanocytes which produce a substance known as melanin. Melanin is what gives color to the hair. More the amount of melanin produced, darker is the color of the hair and vice-versa. When melanocytes start producing lesser and lesser melanin, that is when the color of the hair begins to lighten which in due course of time leads to gray hair.

Why Does Hair Turn Gray – Graying Secrets Revealed
Now that we know the biological principle behind graying of hair, let us have a look at the different factors that lead to graying.

Genetics: Genes play a major role in determining hair characteristics, hair growth and hair color. If either or both of your parents (or even your grandparents) developed gray hair at a relatively young age, there are chances that you too can meet with the same fate. In such cases, there is really nothing that you can do about it. You can only accept it as a part of life and move on.
Vitamin Deficiency: Graying of hair can happen if you have a severe deficiency of Vitamin B12. Other medical issues like anemia or thyroid problems are also known to result in graying of hair. Having a healthy diet is something that you can look at as a way of lessening this problem.
Chemicals: Over-exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants can sometimes contribute towards graying of hair. At the same time, continuous use of strong shampoos, chemical hair dyes, hair colors and other hair care products may lead to premature hair graying.
Smoking: It has been medically proven that smoking has a direct impact on graying and hair loss. Tobacco, nicotine and other cigarette contents have adverse effects on the melanin-producing melanocytes which ultimately lead to graying of hair.
Stress-related Reasons: People who have extremely hectic lives and are constantly under stress are also prone to graying. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance, getting adequate rest and enough sleep can help in eliminating this problem.

Graying is something that happens to each and every person.

In order to treat hair loss effectively we would recommend that you have a diagnosis made as soon as possible by one of our experienced Westminster Trichologists. Stress can be an aggravator in almost all cases of hair loss and an accurate diagnosis will always, at the very least, take some of the stress away from you.

Gary Heron says: “You’ll have access to the most effective treatments available through The Hair Centre and at a fraction of the cost of going to other Private Commercial Clinics and Centres.”

When it’s time to see the Trichologist: If you begin losing hair rapidly, and or are cosmetically concerned about baldness, consult your Trichologist about treatment options. You can receive a free hair loss consultation with a Westminster Trichologist at our Hair Centre.

The point is that you are not getting to the real problem and you should seek specific professional advice from a Westminster Trichologist.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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So What Triggers TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM Hair Loss?

20.08.2009 in HAIR LOSS SCIENCE


Telogen effluvium
This condition occurs when the growing phase of the hair is interrupted prematurely causing the hair follicles to enter the telogen (resting) phase of the hair cycle earlier than normal. Two to four months later, following the normal cyclic pattern, diffuse shedding of the hair begins. When this happens there are not enough hairs left in the anagen phase, or growing phase, and the result is therefore diffuse thinning of the hair.

So What Triggers telogen effluvium?


Psychological Stress

Bad news

Lost of relatives/loved ones

Excessive Travelling/Jet lag


Down with a medical condition


Crash Diets

Hormonal problems

Post pregnancy



New medications


In order to treat hair loss effectively we would recommend that you have a diagnosis made as soon as possible by one of our experienced Westminster Trichologists. Stress can be an aggravator in almost all cases of hair loss and an accurate diagnosis will always, at the very least, take some of the stress away from you.

Gary Heron says: “You’ll have access to the most effective treatments available through The Hair Centre and at a fraction of the cost of going to other Private Commercial Clinics and Centres.”

When it’s time to see the Trichologist: If you begin losing hair rapidly, and or are cosmetically concerned about baldness, consult your Trichologist about treatment options. You can receive a free hair loss consultation with a Westminster Trichologist at our Hair Centre.

The point is that you are not getting to the real problem and you should seek specific professional advice from a Westminster Trichologist.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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