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FEMALE PATTERN HAIR LOSS AT 21: Our Results after 12 months treatment.


In today’s increasingly stressful world, the number of women suffering from hair loss is increasing. We all want to look our best and damage to a woman’s ‘crowning glory’ can be a uniquely upsetting affliction.

Hair loss in woman can generally be seen evenly across the scalp, without definite bald patches. If this is happening to you, the following conditions may be affecting you:

Diffuse hair loss is a gradual thinning of the hair as opposed to a straightforward bald patch and is the most common type of hair loss in women. The replacement of old hairs by new hairs is slowed down so that the hair becomes sparse and the scalp can be seen clearly through the hair. The causes can be numerous and include stress, restriction of the blood supply, a poor nervous system and hormonal influences.

Androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness) in women is often linked to hormonal changes with the hair loss following events such as the menopause, childbirth or as a result of stopping or starting oral contraceptive pills. The hair loss is generally more uniform over the scalp than in the male counterpart, but also results from a complex chemical reaction when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts the testosterone in the system into DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles are genetically predisposed to be over sensitive to the DHT and become smaller and smaller with time, leading to the eventual hair loss.


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FEMALE HAIR LOSS AT 32: My hair was beginning to thin, my scalp became very dry, itchy and flaky all of a sudden my appearance was in rapid decline at the age of just 32.


 photo242.jpg March 2006          photo304.jpg August 2006           

Julia says: 

In March 2006 I started to realize that there was something wrong with my hair and scalp. My hair was beginning to thin, my scalp became very dry, itchy and flaky all of a sudden my appearance was in rapid decline at the age of just 32. I decided to visit my GP for immediate help and what I thought would be solid advice. I was appalled at his attitude and immediately looked for qualified help. I clicked on to the internet and found the word trichology and then trichologist – a specialist in the study and treatment of hair and scalp problems.  After several visits to my GP without success I asked to be referred to a trichologist for a second opinion. My GP said there was nothing he could do as it was a waste of time and money. After getting no further help from my GP I decided to get a second opinion for myself. I had heard about The Hair Centre on the BBC radio 5 and decided to go along for a consultation. 

I was diagnosed as suffering from female pattern hair loss and after speaking to a trichologist I felt much happier and relaxed knowing there was some treatment that could help me. At first I was a bit apprehensive and worried it was not going to work but after just 3 months of treatment I can see a very noticeable change of hair growth and the treatment has been very successful as it has stabilized the hair loss. I am currently using a maintenance treatments recommended by The Hair Centre at home and I am very happy with the results and will continue to use it after the treatment has finished in 9 months’ time as it has made my hair  much thicker and healthier. I am really happy with my results and I have seen and spoken to other patients at The Hair Centre and my case is one of their success stories.

Thank you.

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5 Myths About Female Hair Loss.

28.08.2007 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

Question: Here Are 5 Of The Myths About Female Hair Loss Or Thinning.


1 Washing your hair too much.

2 Brushing or combing too much.

3 Shaving your hair will make it regrow thicker.

4 Standing on your head will make your hair grow back.

5 Women do not go bald.

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Does Hair Loss Occur After The Menopause?

23.08.2007 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

Question: Does Hair Loss Occur After The Menopause?

Answer: Hair loss does sometimes occur in women after the menopause has taken place. This can be seen in thinning in the crown and temples area more predominately. Oestrogen levels play a huge role in determining the quality and thickness of a woman’s hair. There is however other medical conditions that cause the hair to thin dramatically, such as anaemia and thyroid problems. These can easily be identified with a simple blood test. If you are currently taking HRT then you should discuss the dose you are on with your GP. This does not mean that this will improve your hair loss so it is worth speaking to one of our trichologists as each case is different.

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I Am 25 Year Old Woman With Hair Loss. What Can I Do?

24.07.2007 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

Question: I am 25 year old woman. Up until now I have not had any hair problems whatsoever. But for the past 6 months I have been losing my hair at speed. My front hairline is getting much wider and is getting thinner by the day. Both of my parents have really goods heads of hair, in fact, no one in our  whole family has any hair loss. What can I do so that I can get my lost hair back? Is this possible?

Answer: I would first have a good trichologist see you and look for medical causes of hair loss (these can be numerous). The following problems are amongst those that should be considered: anemia, thyroid disease, connective tissue disease, various gynecological conditions and emotional stress. It is also important to review the use of medications that can cause hair loss, such as oral contraceptives, beta-blockers, Vitamin A, and thyroid drugs. Many other medications can also contribute to hair loss so if you are taking any drugs of any type, then that should be looked into as well.

It is possible that a medical condition may be the cause of your hair loss, so before you jump to conclusions that you have genetic hair loss, I would have you checked out for these conditions by one of our trichologists.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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