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Causes of Hair Loss in Women

07.01.2009 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

We should never underestimate how important our hair is as we know how often we judge someone by the hairstyle they have when we meet. Additionally, consider how much time is spent ensuring our hair looks ok before we go out in public. The problem with hair loss it affects both sexes and reduces the self confidence of the majority of sufferers.

What causes of hair loss in women?

Generally female pattern baldness or hair loss is genetic. If it runs in your family then you are at an increased risk for hair loss. Additionally, hair follicles on certain areas of a woman’s head are more likely to be affected by hormonal changes as they get older.

Treatment for pattern baldness women is by the use of the sex development hormone we all produce called DHT which is at least a step in the right direction. Some shampoos and topical medications stimulates the scalp and helps to reverse the hair loss and then pills like Propecia (men only) or Biostim (for both men and women) help control the hormone DHT that affects the hair follicles. Another treatment used to control pattern baldness is transplanting hair follicles from areas of the scalp which are not affected by increased amounts of DHT.

Both men and women can suffer with pattern-baldness which is caused by a hormone common to both sexes referred to as DHT; this hormone is just one responsible for the sexual development of humans but fortunately it is possible to treat this. To help reduce the amount of DHT in the hair follicles, products like Propecia or Biostim are available or you can also use a shampoo ormedication like Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Vitasim to help increase the growth of hair. Another treatment used to control pattern baldness is transplanting hair follicles from areas of the scalp which are not affected by increased amounts of DHT.

Our hair actually stops growing for a couple of months or so during a 2 to 6 year cycle and around one tenth of our hair is in this state at any one time. While in the growing phase, hair will gain approximately 1 centimeter a month. It is normal to experience hair loss every day as part of this resting and growing cycle. Some women experience excessive hair loss from a variety of other causes.

Many reasons for hair loss are circulated like wearing a hat, stress, sweat or even poor circulation but these are all untrue. With the exception of stress, none of these factors has been proven as a definitive cause of hair loss but stress is also not very likely unless you have undergone extreme physical or psychological torture. Fortunately this hair loss is can also be temporary in nature.

Some other reasons for hair loss are illness, medical treatment, depression medication, infections of the scalp, even too much vitamin A. This is a huge problem that will take some time to cure fully. Meanwhile existing remedies will need to be used more thoroughly if hair loss is to be controlled.

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The Hair Centre as a company specialises in female hair loss and scalp problems associated with female hair loss. We ensure that our patients’ needs are met specifically. This is why we are Europes’ Premier Hair Loss Centre. 

We offer a full range of trichologically formulated products that have been subject to exhaustive clinical trials and testing to make sure they target disorders of the hair and scalp effectively.

You can telephone us on 0207 976 6868 and speak directly to us and seek professional qualified advice from a Westminster Trichologist. This will allow our trichologists to diagnose your problem correctly and recommend the correct trichologically prescribed treatments on the same day.

Up until 10 years ago if you were a woman losing your hair or were suffering from a scalp disorder or a stress orientated hair loss problem your choices were limited. You could contact your GP who might be sympathetic but generally dismissive and clueless.

So how do you choose a top hair expert (Westminster Trichologist), a specialist that really knows what they are talking about?

Quite simply phone them up and talk to them. Find out how they work and what their results are.

Book in for a one to one consultation with a verified Westminster Trichologist.

The key is to talk to our centre and make us work for you the patient.

Ask us to try and give you the answers over the phone.

There really is nothing too difficult here as we are truly confident that we provide the very best all round treatments and patient care that is second to none.

With over 25 years’ experience in the treatment of hair loss and scalp disorders why not try us first.

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DNA Hair Loss Test For Women


For many men, it’s considered part of normal aging, but for the 25% of women who suffer from female pattern baldness, losing hair can be like losing their identity.

Now, a new test may help women take action before their hair thins.

When Danielle Ducharme was in her late teens, she started to notice there was a lot less of her beautiful locks.

She noted, “It was always curly and thick, and always a lot of it.”

Now at 25, she wonders how long until she goes bald?

She said, “It’s horrifying. I go to bed at night sometimes thinking, you know, crying myself to sleep, you know. Imagine having to wear wigs for the rest of your life.”

A new DNA test called “Hair DX” can help women like Danielle learn about their hair, through their genes.

Danielle added, “I just want to know how much worse it’s gonna get.”

The test is just a simple swab on both cheeks.

Three weeks later, the results will let a person know if they are at risk of significant hair loss before the age of 40.

Dr. Robert Leonard said of the test, “The biggest benefit of this genetic test is that we can predict something into the future. So if we know that a person will be losing her hair we can treat it early to stop further progression.”

Dr. Leonard also says a person generally doesn’t notice she’s losing her hair until 50% has already fallen out.

He added, “So, if we catch this before they really notice too much thinning, we can treat it early, keep the hair on their head and not have to worry about it so much.”

Danielle hopes others take advantage of this test, helping women hold onto their hair and in some cases, their self-esteem.

There are several FDA approved drugs for preserving existing hair, but nothing for re-growing lost hair.

The cost of the DNA test is about $150. A similar test is available for men.

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Androgenetic alopecia has a characteristic pattern of female hair loss; it begins with a slight recession at the front hairline and is followed by thinning on the crown of the head. This hair loss results from a complex chemical reaction when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts the testosterone in the system into DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles are genetically predisposed to be oversensitive to the DHT and become smaller and smaller with time, leading to the eventual hair loss.


We prescribed the following treatments:

Vitastim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser:
This stimulant is recommended to help stabilise hair loss and strengthen existing hair. It is a natural hop-based solution that works as a vasodilator to increase blood circulation in the scalp and so enable healthy hair growth. It also contains a multi-vitamin complex to help catalyse the process of conversion of amino acids into keratin hair cells and accelerate growth and diameter of the hair from the dermal papilla.

Biostim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser:
This stimulant contains a very effective natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. It reduces the amount of 5-alpha reductase in the scalp and thereby reduces the formation of DHT, stabilising hair loss and encouraging a healthy growth cycle.


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Androgenetic alopecia has a characteristic pattern of female hair loss; it begins with a slight recession at the front hairline and is followed by thinning on the crown of the head.  This hair loss results from a complex chemical reaction when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts the testosterone in the system into DHT or dihydrotestosterone.  The hair follicles are genetically predisposed to be oversensitive to the DHT and become smaller and smaller with time, leading to the eventual hair loss.



We prescribed the following treatments:

Vitastim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser:
This stimulant is recommended to help stabilise hair loss and strengthen existing hair.  It is a natural hop-based solution that works as a vasodilator to increase blood circulation in the scalp and so enable healthy hair growth.  It also contains a multi-vitamin complex to help catalyse the process of conversion of amino acids into keratin hair cells and accelerate growth and diameter of the hair from the dermal papilla.

Biostim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser
This stimulant contains a very effective natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. It reduces the amount of 5-alpha reductase in the scalp and thereby reduces the formation of DHT, stabilising hair loss and encouraging a healthy growth cycle.


Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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